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Tri CPR an American Heart Training Session


The Instructor is the core component of an American heart Association Training Center. Your professionalism and conduct in the teaching environment is a reflection of the American Heart Association and your Training center Coordinator/ Faculty.

Your signature on this agreement indicates that you understand and agree to the following terms:

  • All American Heart courses shall be taught in the accordance with the AHA requirements.


  • Instructors are to use the website:  as a resource to obtain course documents and to obtain information in the program administrative manual (PAM).



  • Your Training Center Coordinator can also be used as a resource to obtain information relating to AHA policies and procedures.


  • All course documents are filed properly for a period of no less than 3 years. Use of Enrollware is mandatory.  An account at no cost to you will be provided.



  • Instructor agrees to teach at least 4 courses in a 2-year period, or as required by AHA guidelines to maintain Instructor status. If you fail to do so you can be charger a realignment fee and or dropped from the TC.


  • Instructors are required to use an instrumented directive feedback device or manikin in all AHA courses that teach the skills of adult CPR.


  • Provides audio or visual (or both) feedback on the rate and depth of compressions during CPR Training.


  • AHA courses shall not exceed a 9:1 ratio Instructor to students, and student to manikin ratio shall not exceed a 3:1.



  • It is the Instructors responsibility to ensure that appropriate equipment is available in sufficient quantity, in proper working order, and decontaminated before each course.
    Review the components of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment ) in every class.


  • Your Training Center Coordinator is responsible for managing and resolving disputes that arise from a course offered by its aligned instructors

               o In the event of a disagreement or dispute:

                          â–ª Listen attentively and respectfully

                          â–ª Settle the dispute in private if the issue does not involve other participants

                          â–ª If the participant does not appear to be satisfied, offer the name and phone number of your                                 Training Center Coordinator and notify your TCF of the incident within 24 hours.

  • The Training Center Coordinator or TCF shall visit each Training shall visit each Training Site once every year to ensure that the Training Site is complaint with AHA/Center policies and procedures.


  • The Training Site will maintain a copy of all AHA Instructor Manuals, policies, and memos applicable to the Training Site.


  • AHA CPR cards are valid for 2 years through the end of the month in which the card was issued.


  • The Training Center Coordinator or TCF is responsible for providing the current course exams, answer keys and answer sheets to the training site. The Training site is responsible for maintaining exam security.


  • All students must have the current appropriate CPR course textbook.
    The Training site and or instructor determines the course fee.


  • Deliver E-certificates with-in 48 Hours of the course date.


  • Completed Course Paperwork should be entered into Enrollware no later than 5 days after course completion. Rosters incomplete after 5 days late or incomplete will be charged a $25fee.


  • The following course paperwork is required and must be completed for each class and entered into Enrollware:


Course roster (Delivered in Enrollware)

Written exam score (BLS only)

Certificate of completion (for blended BLS courses only)


Independent Contractor Status:

1. Nothing contained in this Contract shall create an employer and employee relationship, a master and servant relationship, or a principal and agent relationship between Instructor and The American Heart Association, and CPR Training Center- Tri CPR LLC. All parties agree that instructor is, and at all times during this Contract shall remain, an Independent Contractor.

2. It is expressly agreed that the Instructor is acting as an independent contractor in performing services here under. The American Heart Association and CPR Training Center- Tri CPR LLC shall carry no workers compensation insurance or any health or accident insurance to cover the Instructor. The American Heart Association and CPR Training Center - Tri CPR LLC shall not pay and contribution to Social Security, unemployment insurance, federal or state withholding taxes, nor provide any other contributions or benefits which might be expected in an employer- employee relationship. -END-

I have read and agreed to these terms and conditions outlining the requirements for maintaining a Instructor Training Site.

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